International Institute for Languages & Translation
Hurghada Red Sea
Director Mr Anwar Eldeftar

The International Institute for Languages is internationally recognized for teaching English, German, Russian, Italian and French as a second language at high-quality standards. Since 1999, the Institute has been using advanced methodologies that have allowed us to achieve the highest credential from the Department of Education of Egypt.

المعهد الدولي للغات معترف به دوليًا لتدريس اللغة الإنجليزية والألمانية والروسية والإيطالية والفرنسية كلغة ثانية بمعايير عالية الجودة. منذ عام 1999 ، يستخدم المعهد منهجيات متقدمة سمحت لنا بتحقيق أعلى اعتماد من وزارة التعليم في مصر.


View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

I.I.L. Hurghada
Red Sea

“The IIL Hurghada Red Sea Institute has as its main objective to integrate students with the English, German, Russian, Italian, French, American culture and way of life, providing them with the skills and knowledge to become linguistically proficient.”

"إن هدف معهد IIL بالغردقة للبحر الأحمر هو دمج الطلاب مع الثقافة الإنجليزية والألمانية والروسية والإيطالية والفرنسية والأمريكية وطريقة الحياة ، وتزويدهم بالمهارات والمعرفة ليصبحوا بارعين لغويًا."


THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LANGUAGES is internationally recognized for teaching English, German, Russian, French and Italian as a second language at high-quality standards. Since 1999, the Institute has been using advanced methodologies that have allowed us to achieve the highest credential from the Department of Education of Egypt.
Our mission is to integrate students with the English German, Russian, French and Italian Languages, American culture, and way of life, providing them with the skills and knowledge to become linguistically proficient. Our vision is to be a center that attracts and supports union through communication and culture. Fostering global citizenship and the understanding of people from different nations. Our Values are Education, Respect, Ethics, Creativity, and Constant Updating.

المعهد الدولي للغات معترف به دوليًا لتدريس اللغة الإنجليزية والألمانية والروسية والفرنسية والإيطالية كلغة ثانية بمعايير عالية الجودة. منذ عام 1999 ، يستخدم المعهد منهجيات متقدمة سمحت لنا بتحقيق أعلى اعتماد من وزارة التعليم في مصر.
مهمتنا هي دمج الطلاب مع اللغات الإنجليزية الألمانية والروسية والفرنسية والإيطالية ، والثقافة الأمريكية ، وأسلوب الحياة ، وتزويدهم بالمهارات والمعرفة ليصبحوا بارعين لغويًا. تتمثل رؤيتنا في أن نكون مركزًا يجتذب ويدعم الاتحاد من خلال التواصل والثقافة. تعزيز المواطنة العالمية وتفهم الناس من مختلف الدول. قيمنا هي التعليم والاحترام والأخلاق والإبداع والتحديث المستمر

I.I.L. Hurghada Intro

To be a center that attracts and supports union through communication and culture. Fostering global citizenship and the understanding of people from different nations.

Our Values are Education, Respect, Ethics, Creativity, and Constant Updating.
قيمنا هي التعليم والاحترام والأخلاق والإبداع والتحديث المستمر

Create your own future language.
اصنع لغتك المستقبلية
How to start? >>
كيف تبدأ

How to say that you don’t like something in English?
كيف تقول إنك لا تحب شيئًا باللغة الإنجليزية؟

To be a center that attracts and supports union through communication and culture. Fostering global citizenship and the understanding of people from different nations.


Intro with a picture at the bottom. Great for pro-coders for fast prototyping and small customers' projects.


Create Site Now

Click any text to edit or style it. Select text to insert a link. Click blue "Gear" icon in the top right corner to hide/show buttons, text, title and change the block background. Click red "+" in the bottom right corner to add a new block. Use the top left menu to create new pages, sites and add themes.

Attractive landing pages

Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, portfolios. 3500+ beautiful website blocks, templates and themes help you to start easily.


Website Builder Software

Intro with an image above text. Click on the image to replace it. Key differences from traditional website builders: Minimalistic, extremely easy-to-use interface; Mobile-friendliness, latest website blocks and techniques "out-the-box"; Free for commercial and non-profit use.

Intro with Video

Intro with a video at the bottom. Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface.

Intro with Video Popup

Full-screen intro with Image and video popup.

Set the link to your video in Block Parameters

Watch Video

Video Description

View in Action

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects. Click on the video preview in this block to add the link to your video. Make sure that your video is not private. You can add a description below the video. If you want to hide some of the text fields, open the Block parameters, and uncheck relevant options.


Full screen intro with background image, color overlay and icons

No Coding

Mobile Friendly

Unique Styles

Unlimited Sites

Watch Video

Video Description

Video with description

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects. Click on the video preview in this block to add the link to your video. Make sure that your video is not private. You can add a description below the video. If you want to hide some of the text fields, open the Block parameters, and uncheck relevant options.


No Coding

You don't have to code to create your own site. Select one of available themes in the Mobirise sitebuilder.

Mobile Friendly

All sites you create with the Mobirise web builder are mobile-friendly natively. No special actions required.

Unique Styles

Select the theme that suits you. Each theme in the Mobirise site builder contains a set of unique blocks.

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description


To add more cards, hover on a card and click 'Add items'
No Coding

Mobirise is an easy website builder. Just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.

Mobile Friendly

You don't have to code to create your own site. Select one of available themes in the Mobirise Site Maker.

Unique Styles

Select the theme that suits you. Each theme in the Mobirise Website Software contains a set of unique blocks.

What is Mobirise?

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects.

No Coding

You don't have to code to create your own site. Select one of available themes in the Mobirise sitebuilder.

Mobile Friendly

All sites you create with the Mobirise web builder are mobile-friendly natively. No special actions required.

Unique Styles

Select the theme that suits you. Each theme in the Mobirise site builder contains a set of unique blocks.

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

Automagically mobile

You don't have to code to create your own site. Select one of available themes in the Mobirise sitebuilder.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Easy setup
  • Edit visually

What you get

Optimized Images

Style Changer



Cookie Alert


Amazing blocks

Themes in the Mobirise website builder offer multiple blocks: intros, sliders, galleries, forms, articles, and so on. Start a project and click on the red plus buttons to see the blocks available for your theme.


Join our community on iilhurghada.


Our teachers are specialized in teaching different skills and the diversity in the classroom allows the students to practice English and make friends with students from different countries.

Mobirise Free Website Builder.

Create your own landing page today. No Coding >>

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects.

Frequently asked questions

  • How to create more items in this list?
    Press Enter to create a new bullet. To create an answer for a question, press Shift+Enter.
  • Can I create sites for commerical projects?
    Yes, Mobirise is free for both non-profit and commercial sites.
  • How to install more extensions?
    Open the main menu in the app and find the Extensions tab. Click on it to open the Extensions list.
  • What is Mobirise Kit?
    Mobirise Kit is a service that provides the access to all current and new themes/extensions developed by Mobirise. 
  • What is Code Editor?
    This extension allows editing the code of block in the app. Also, it's possible to add code to the head and body parts of pages.

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

Video Description

No Coding

Mobile Friendly

Unique Styles

Unlimited Sites

Watch Video

Video Description

View in Action

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects. Click on the video preview in this block to add the link to your video. Make sure that your video is not private. You can add a description below the video. If you want to hide some of the text fields, open the Block parameters, and uncheck relevant options.

Watch Video

Video Description

Video with description

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects. Click on the video preview in this block to add the link to your video. Make sure that your video is not private. You can add a description below the video. If you want to hide some of the text fields, open the Block parameters, and uncheck relevant options.

Full-Width Gallery

Images with Title and Text
Card Title

Card Text. You don't have to code to create a site with Mobirise Builder. Read more..

Card Title

Card Text. You don't have to code to create a site with Mobirise Builder. Read more..

Card Title

Card Text. You don't have to code to create a site with Mobirise Builder. Read more..

Card Title

Card Text. You don't have to code to create a site with Mobirise Builder. Read more..


Themes in the Mobirise website builder offer multiple blocks: intros, sliders, galleries, forms, articles, and so on. Start a project and click on the red plus buttons to see the blocks available for your theme.


Martin Smith


You can have multiple pages in each project in Mobirise website builder software. Don't forget to set links to your pages after creating them. You can use menu blocks to create navigation for your site visitors.


Jessica Brown


Watch Video

Video Description

Video with description

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for commercial and non-profit projects. Click on the video preview in this block to add the link to your video. Make sure that your video is not private. You can add a description below the video. If you want to hide some of the text fields, open the Block parameters, and uncheck relevant options.

Our partner

No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly.

Our partner

Use Mobirise website building software to create multiple sites for your clients.

Our partner

Create multiple pages. Don't forget to set links to your pages after creating them.


Contacts Subtitle


We will reply as soon as possible


Sat - Thu 10:00 - 24:00



Hurghada - Red Sea - Egypt

Working Hours

Sat - Thu: 10:00 - 24:00


I.I.L. Hurghada, Red Sea, Egypt



Intro with Video

Intro with Color, paddings and a video on the right. Mobirise helps you cut down development time by providing you with a flexible website editor with a drag and drop interface.


Our Locations

New York


Mobirise Help
  • Help Center
  • Mobirise Forums
  • Mobirise Kit
  • Our site
  • Mobirise 5
  • Mobirise AMP
  • Mobirise Kit
  • Code Editor
  • Form Builder
  • Popup Builder
  • Enterprise

Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes and portfolios.



Mobirise is a free offline app for Windows and Mac to easily create small/medium websites, landing pages, online resumes and portfolios. 2500+ beautiful website blocks, templates and themes help you to start easily.



Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.

Project Planning

Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.


Mobirise is perfect for non-techies who are not familiar with the intricacies of web development.

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

Video Description

View in Action

Click on the video in this block to set the link to your own video.

Video Description

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